Today is Mothering Sunday here in the UK, it can be a day of mixed emotions. Mothers Day is a day to honour and celebrate our mums- our biological mums and our spiritual mums:
Exodus 20 v 1: Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord you God is giving you
With this post, I intend to first express my gratitude to the women who have mothered me. Second to address the elephant in the room which is the pain this day can cause.
My Biological Mother
My mum carried me in her womb for 9 months, gave birth to me, and raised me. Today is a day I have celebrated with her and honoured her, I am thankful for her.
My Spiritual Mothers
Many women have walked with me in my spiritual journey. They have taught me, guided me, mentored me, encouraged me, at times corrected me. I am grateful for them all. Without them, I would have struggled so much more than I have, I would have grown less, and I would have less wisdom.
When I first became a Christian, I visited Waterstones after Church one Sunday to buy myself a Bible. I was a student at university and had never studied the Bible before.
One of my first “Christian Mums” as I like to call them, met me to walk to Church on Sunday morning so I wouldn’t have to walk in alone. Another walked me through my first Bible study, we studied the book of Ruth together. Another gave me an overview of the Bible, including its history, the chronology of the books, and encouraged me with easier places to start. They have journeyed with me through hard times, visited me in hospital, attended medical appointments with me, cried with me. They have been a source of strength and encouragement that I will always be grateful for.
When Mothers Day is hard
Mother’s day can be hard if you have lost a child, or if you can’t have children, or if you are estranged from or don’t know your family etc.
I don’t have children and I don’t know if I ever will. That can be hard. But I can still mother. As Christian women, we should all be spiritual mothers. Some of my Christian Mums don’t have children, but they mothered me.
I have felt encouraged today by remembering and being thankful for all the women who have mothered me, and knowing that even if I never have children of my own, I can be a spiritual mother. My prayer for myself and any of you in this situation is that we may see how we can be these mothers. As Christians, we always have something to give. We have hope, we are salt and light. We can all give and be a blessing to others. To all those who don’t have children, I pray for comfort, hope, and blessing for you.
To all the mothers out there whether you have children of your own or not, I say thank you, for the hard work, sleepless nights, endless nappy changes, the years of putting your child before yourself, for the encouragement, pearls of wisdom shared, lessons given, corrections, support and kindness. You are strong and powerful and I pray blessings over you today.